Terms & Conditions
All of the content is Copyright © 2023 Candice Wine Chat.
The wine reviews and content may be reproduced or quoted providing there is acknowledgement to ‘Candice Chow’, ‘Candice Wine Chat’ or ‘CandiceWineChat.com’ and/or a website page link to the reviewed wine.
Candice Wine Chat Wine Reviews uses the 100-point scale and a star-rating system in rating wines. There are 4-star, 4-star 90+, 5-star and 5-star 95+ awarded.
There is no extra charge, or extra fee to reproduce the reviews or ratings as published in Candice Wine Chat for Winery members.
All of the reviews, information and content are presented in good faith and are the opinion of the author. The material is published in the interests of consumer information and education.
There is no acceptance whatsoever of any responsibility or liability for any claims, damages or losses from any use of the published material.